wayfinding with horses

I offer wayfinding Equus Coaching sessions in Malibu, California. These sessions are for anyone seeking a deeper connection with themselves or with any other aspect of their life—relationship, career, creativity, purpose, etc.

Equus Coaching is an experience co-facilitated by horses meant to allow the horse, with my facilitation, to guide you through whatever life circumstance you’d like to bring to the session. In the sessions, we work with your pain points and allow the horse to lend its wisdom and gentleness to help in healing and transforming them.

No horse experience is necessary to take part in these sessions. All work is done on the ground, and I will give a safety demonstration before the session(s).

why horses?

Horses are masters of being in the present moment. They are moving examples of enoughness. They navigate their entire life with the singular tool they have—their bodies. Being with horses helps humans override their incessant thinking minds and drop into the body. Horses teach us to move in the world in a new way. A way lead by intuition, connection, and community rather than logic, analysis, and isolation.


1 90-Minute Session


3 90-minute sessions

$700 ($233 per session)